October 14 - 28, 2016

Twin Perspectives

The odds of having identical twins is about 3 in 1000, but what are the odds of these twins sharing the same profession in their careers? Shannon and Jennifer not only shared the womb, the cradle, their schools, their friends, their hobbies, their travels but also their chosen career in art. Perhaps it was DNA coming from a mother, Betty Anglin Smith, who has been an artist for over 40 years. Perhaps it was in the environment, growing up in their mother’s studio and travelling with their family that made galleries and museums part of their destinations. The love of art became uniform and although at one point they were about to pursue careers in art and occupation therapy, they found their way back to the pursuit of painting. In the study of art, each twin has found her own muse. Jennifer has a love of architecture and finds inspiration in the works of Fairfield Porter an Edward Hopper. Shannon is more motivated to paint the subject with the most interesting light; hence she studies the works of Joaquin Sorolla and John Singer Sargent. They make a conscious effort to have a unique style that is different from the other, but the share a vibrancy and richness in their work. Painting now for 20 years professionally, they have established a maturity of their craft that has received much admiration and recognition. In partnership with their mother, they have been part of Anglin Smith Fine Art for 15 years. Each year they have had a solo show at the gallery, but the show, “Twin Perspectives” is their first joint show- a new milestone for these identical twins.
